NEWS - 20. November 2023

"MY PREMA dream team"

Alessio: my number 1 mechanic for the 2023 season. Alessio is the definition of passion and love for Motorsport. Alessio is always ready to work as hard as it takes to be 100% prepared. That gives me the confidence in my car when I am driving at full speed! 

Sacha: is my performance engineer who looks out for the data on the car and is in charge of my clutch setup for the starts. It is a vital job and Sacha has done a tremendous job all year. Sacha is always positive and giving great energy to the team. Keep pushing Sacha! 

Ivan: is my tire man and 3. mechanic on the car. Ivan is from Spain and when everyone is finished working Ivan continues to work. He is driving the PREMA team truck to all the European events. Ivan is a great guy and someone I respect. 

Azamat: is the most energetic mechanic I have ever had. He is always 100% on and ready for any challenge. Always a great smile and some encouraging words before the race start! Lots of great times with Azamat in 2023! 

Pedro: third year running with my race engineer Pedro. Pedro is like no other. He is a driver’s engineer and loves to coach in racing, but only on the car. The mental aspect is something Pedro does exceptionally well and is what sets him apart from other engineers! Pedro is a true friend and someone I will always admire! 

John: is my performance coach. John is a vital part of my routine and race performance. Together we maximize my physical and mental sharpness and stamina! John is a great friend and someone I love to spend my time with.