NEWS - 26. November 2020


At least 5 races per day. This is what happens when Vesti spends a lot of time on e-race and his simulator during "the quiet time" away from the real racetracks.


I am totally passionate about this. I enjoy it to its fullest. It is actually far better practice than one would think. I maintain some race craft and avoid getting completely rusty. 


The new hit for Vesti is Twitch. But not just because he enjoys the close contact with his fans.


I'm live streaming Twitch a lot. I think it's great fun to be in dialogue with my fans and be challenged by a lot of questions. But in fact, all of these questions also benefit me in regards to my awareness and sharpen my concentration, even if someone find it to be quite distracting. It is extremely good learning that while driving you have to keep a focus at the same time as you are doing something else - true multitasking actually.


The rest of Vesti's time is spent working for his father's car company and of course taking care of the daily workout so he can stay super fit. And then he is waiting for a brief yet extensive internship in the Danish Parliament to get a lot smarter on what our political system looks like from the "inside". Frederik's sponsor Hybel (building homes) has also agreed to take him on as an "apprentice" for a while and are proud that Vesti is so keen on learning everything that he can about this highly successful company. However Covid-19 still stands in the way before all this can happen. Hopefully many of the tough restrictions currently in place will soon be lifted.


I don't go to school anymore, but I love learning new things! I think it's so important that you can also talk to people about subjects and issues outside of racing, when like me, you constantly meet so many adults and experienced people and from different walks of life and with different backgrounds and upbringing. But also for my own sake. I just want to understand and know more about what is going on in society in general. To understand my sponsors even better and get behind the scenes and really learn about their craft and business, is something I am truly looking forward to. The personal relationship with a sponsor has always meant everything to me.
